Lonely Bay

by Jeremy Holton
Original - Sold
102.000 x 76.000 x 3.000 cm.
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Lonely Bay
Jeremy Holton
Painting - Oil On Canvas
This cove is in Applecross on the Swan River. It is a real scene, except for the buildings on the right. Somehow the bleak mansions that line the river have ceased to be hugely mundane and morphed into their ancestors. Concrete and glass has degenerated into white painted wattle and daub with red fired clay tiles. I textured the canvas with acrylic modelling paste and then drew the scene with black and white acrylic paint. I painted an acrylic underlay in colour, but for most of the painting I used alkyd based oil paint from Winsor and Newton. Dragging the paint with colour shapers and applying many thin layers of coloured glaze. The creates complexity in the work and combined with an intensity and depth to the colour. Finally I brought out some of the vegetation with a fine brush to connect the loose marks with reality.
August 25th, 2015
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