Lovers at the entrance to the valley of earthly delights

by Jeremy Holton
Original - Sold
100.000 x 100.000 x 2.000 cm.
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Lovers at the entrance to the valley of earthly delights
Jeremy Holton
Painting - Oil On Canvas
I don't know what to say about this painting, it has a presence and a life of its own. It was one of those works which took over and dictated to me what I should do. It populated itself with strange things that I don't understand. It grew I guess from the land and from the many magic sacred sites I have visited and sat alone to paint. From the warm gentle breeze, from ochre marks on cave walls, from scratching creatures rustling in dry spiky bushes. There is nothing more that words can say. It speaks for itself and will speak for a long time to come.
August 10th, 2012
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