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Old lady smoking cigar Mondrian still life Chagall in Australia The long lunch Vase of flowers and glass of wine with lips, eye and nipples Fragrant blooms Through the looking glass Violet proteas Autumn Awakes Flowers and wine


The Weir The long lunch Time the destroyer Journey through the vines Old town Fremantle Valley in the hills a painting by Jeremy Holton A place without time A crop of jewels Dream of Koh Chang, Thailand Entrance to the unknown - mist in the garden of time


Chagall in Australia The long lunch Cloud Street - Geraldton seagulls Valley in the hills a painting by Jeremy Holton A crop of jewels Timeless Paradise Land of dreams Live bait too Sunset of fire Cool blues


Mondrian still life Valley in the hills a painting by Jeremy Holton Rough see abstract painting of waves and rocks A crop of jewels Abstract painting 10 Of fire and snow Red rock abstract landscape The storm Blue streak Rock in Space an abstract painting by Jeremy Holton


Big fat pig A crop of jewels Entrance to the unknown - mist in the garden of time wattle flowers Wat Phu Tok Digital Abstract painting by Jeremy Holton Rock in Space an abstract painting by Jeremy Holton The angel -abstract painting by Jeremy Holton Blue water container Trees on the bank of the Mekong River


Valley in the hills a painting by Jeremy Holton Rough see abstract painting of waves and rocks Entrance to the unknown - mist in the garden of time Sunset in Sydney Yellow dinghy Once upon a time Wat Phu Tok Digital Abstract painting by Jeremy Holton Rock in Space an abstract painting by Jeremy Holton The angel -abstract painting by Jeremy Holton


Lost in a bar Delicate frailty with love and a little bit of insanity.  A love The Endless Dance Love is in the air The flower arranger The Priest's wife directed by Vittorio de Sica A bar in Phuket Lovers for ever The narcissist


A crop of jewels Joie de vivre That thereby beautys rose might never die The pool Forever Dream Your special place Into a dark town Moonlight over the Darling Ranges


The Fisherman's Almanac Cloud Street - Geraldton seagulls Two dogs and a bone at the seaside Moon lover Geronimo The flower arranger Live bait too The pool

Still Life

Mondrian still life Flowers and wine Poppy after dark Perfect Poppies Poppy time Poppy day Entwining poppies Waiting for the bus


Chagall in Australia Cloud Street - Geraldton seagulls Valley in the hills a painting by Jeremy Holton Land of dreams The Outlander Kimberley dawn Blue lady Once upon a time


Silver moon Under Milkwood Sundays in Hobart The long lunch Cloud Street - Geraldton seagulls Journey through the vines Old town Fremantle Valley in the hills a painting by Jeremy Holton Rough see abstract painting of waves and rocks Not forgotten painting of Perth


Mondrian still life Sundays in Hobart The long lunch Old lady smoking cigar Cloud Street - Geraldton seagulls Journey through the vines Valley in the hills a painting by Jeremy Holton A place without time Two dogs and a bone at the seaside Rough see abstract painting of waves and rocks


Lost in a bar Dream of Koh Chang, Thailand Saffron robes Waif - Poor destitute girl waiting for a lift sitting in the gut Greetings to the gods Delicate frailty with love and a little bit of insanity.  A love Drifting - two ladies in a village in Thailand In a Thai village Buddha and bicycles Love is in the air


Deep Blue Day Silver moon The Weir The long lunch Cloud Street - Geraldton seagulls Journey through the vines Chagall in Australia Under Milkwood Sundays in Hobart Old town Fremantle


Mondrian still life Chagall in Australia Sundays in Hobart The long lunch The Fisherman's Almanac Cloud Street - Geraldton seagulls Journey through the vines Valley in the hills a painting by Jeremy Holton Fragrant blooms Through the looking glass


Deep Blue Day Under Milkwood The Weir Sundays in Hobart A place without time Two dogs and a bone at the seaside Rough see abstract painting of waves and rocks A crop of jewels Dream of Koh Chang, Thailand Encounter at Wineglass Bay


Under Milkwood The Fisherman's Almanac Cloud Street - Geraldton seagulls Journey through the vines Perth by night Flowers and wine Sunset of fire Echoes of the day Timeless Paradise Fantastic colour

Jeremy Holton

The hidden face of a whistful nude Sundays in Hobart The long lunch The Fisherman's Almanac Cloud Street - Geraldton seagulls Journey through the vines Deep Blue Day Silver moon Mondrian still life Under Milkwood


Sundays in Hobart The long lunch Cloud Street - Geraldton seagulls Journey through the vines Old town Fremantle Valley in the hills a painting by Jeremy Holton A place without time Perth by night Dream of Koh Chang, Thailand In a Thai village

Displaying 1 - 20 of 20

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