Mesmerised by the moon

by Jeremy Holton
Buy the Original Painting
100.000 x 89.000 x 3.000 cm.
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Mesmerised by the moon
Jeremy Holton
Painting - Oil On Canvas
I painted this over an old oil painting which had lost its interest for me. Consequently there are palimpsests within the work, where there are glimpses of its history and previous life. The new painting is entirely imaginary. I worked in alkyd based oil paint using colour shapers and brushes, dragging and glazing. I just let the painting guide me and take me wherever it wanted me to go. The content is not designed or intended it simply arises during the process of painting. Looking at it now, I can analyse it and see the influence of previous paintings in the foreground boats. As I worked, I listened to an audio book of �The game of thrones� which might account for the bird. I can�t explain this painting, there is no explanation it simply is.
August 25th, 2015
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